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  Counting since:    7 October 2007  /  18:31
  Current report:    10 Dec 2024  /  17:50
  Summary    Totals and Averages  
  Unique Visitors    Day | Week | Month | Hours of the Day | Days of the Week  
  Incl, Excl, Reloads    Day | Week | Month  
  Geo Tracking    Country | Continent  
  On the Map     Last 20 / 1000 | Worldwide | StreetLevel Zoom | Filters  
  System Tracking    Browsers | Operating Systems | Screen Resolutions | Screen Colors  
  > Referrer Tracking 1    Last 20: Unsorted | Email | Searchengines | Queries | Usenet | Harddisk  
  Referrer Tracking 2    Totals: Sources | Searchengines | All Keywords | All Website Referrers  
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Last 20 / 5000 ReferrersUnique Visitors
  26 Nov, Tue, 20:58:45  
  01 Dec, Sun, 22:07:42  
  02 Dec, Mon, 14:11:06  
  02 Dec, Mon, 14:13:21  
  04 Dec, Wed, 17:58:03  
  05 Dec, Thu, 10:19:56  
  05 Dec, Thu, 20:43:01  
  07 Dec, Sat, 13:35:28  
  08 Dec, Sun, 15:27:48  
  09 Dec, Mon, 11:53:43  
  09 Dec, Mon, 14:19:31  
  09 Dec, Mon, 14:21:58  
  09 Dec, Mon, 14:51:55  
  09 Dec, Mon, 16:38:34  
  09 Dec, Mon, 16:53:37  
  09 Dec, Mon, 17:29:19  
  09 Dec, Mon, 17:44:25  
  10 Dec, Tue, 00:12:16  
  10 Dec, Tue, 02:02:18  
  10 Dec, Tue, 02:54:09  
  Last 5000 Referrers  

Last 20 / 5000 Searchengine ReferrersUnique Visitors
  31 Jan, Wed, 22:34:24  
  31 Mar, Sat, 18:18:17  
  09 Apr, Mon, 11:55:36;_ylt=AwrJ7Y5vRstaepsAoHXG2olQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBsc3ZjcTI4BHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEc2xrA2Fzc2lzdA--;_ylc=X1MDMTM1MTIxMTcxOARfcgMyBGFjdG4DY2xrBGJjawMxMmJkaHJkZDhlM2VwJTI2YiUzRDMlMjZzJTNEOHIEY3NyY3B2aWQDdzc3UGJ6RXdMaklSTGJIYldvY04yUUt0T0RZdU53QUFBQUE3aUszMARmcgMEZnIyA3NhLWdwBGdwcmlkAzhFUTI0NDlRU2NDRnFsOXRoS0pqeUEEbXRlc3RpZANudWxsBG5fc3VnZwM1BG9yaWdpbgNmci5pbWFnZXMuc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMQRwcXN0cgNibGFnZQRwcXN0cmwDNQRxc3RybAM2BHF1ZXJ5A2JsYWd1ZQR0X3N0bXADMTI5Mzk3NzkzMgR2dGVzdGlkA251bGw-?gprid=8EQ2449QScCFql9thKJjyA&pvid=w77PbzEwLjIRLbHbWocN2QKtODYuNwAAAAA7iK30&p=blague&fr=yhsm-nintendo-nintendo&  
  11 Jul, Wed, 15:32:30  
  23 Jul, Mon, 18:24:34  
  25 Jul, Wed, 15:40:04  
  07 Nov, Wed, 14:41:59  
  31 Jan, Thu, 18:35:51  
  16 Apr, Tue, 17:54:16  
  17 Jun, Mon, 13:45:56  
  17 Jul, Wed, 22:35:57  
  03 Aug, Sat, 09:57:03  
  18 Dec, Wed, 14:47:23  
  27 Feb, Thu, 14:50:11  
  19 Aug, Wed, 22:15:18,online_chips:humour+noir&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiMr7y0l6jrAhXBFXcKHXltAfAQ4lYIEigH  
  18 Oct, Sun, 20:04:13  
  12 Nov, Fri, 20:21:45  
  16 Dec, Thu, 10:11:06  
  11 Nov, Fri, 19:26:55  
  26 Apr, Wed, 12:59:55  
  Last 5000 Searchengine Referrers  

Free Daily Content For Your Website
Free daily content for your website - Word of the Day, Article of the Day, This day
in history, Today's birthday, Quote of the Day. Also: Reference lookup box, Javascript double-click code. Easy-to-use wizard generates HTML code for your page.

Last 20 / 5000 Searchengine QueriesUnique Visitors
  31 Jan, Wed, 22:34:24    Google:  photo avec des blagues   
  31 Mar, Sat, 18:18:17    Google:  lapin de paques humour  
  09 Apr, Mon, 11:55:36    Yahoo Images:  blague  
  11 Jul, Wed, 15:32:30    Google:  image st patrick humour  
  23 Jul, Mon, 18:24:34  docteur fun  
  25 Jul, Wed, 15:40:04    Google:  blague dans la cuisine  
  07 Nov, Wed, 14:41:59    Google:  puberté humour  
  31 Jan, Thu, 18:35:51    Google:  image humour douche  
  16 Apr, Tue, 17:54:16    Google:  humour pâques  
  17 Jun, Mon, 13:45:56    Google:  docteur retraite  
  17 Jul, Wed, 22:35:57    Google Images:  fun fun sex  
  03 Aug, Sat, 09:57:03    Google:  Humour piscine  
  18 Dec, Wed, 14:47:23    Google:  tuberculite  
  27 Feb, Thu, 14:50:11    Google:  Flipper filme baleine tom sawyer tom sawyer  
  19 Aug, Wed, 22:15:18    Google:  tique humour  
  18 Oct, Sun, 20:04:13    Google:  trou de memoire humour  
  12 Nov, Fri, 20:21:45    Google Images:  cours forest  
  16 Dec, Thu, 10:11:06    Google:  humourlessive  
  11 Nov, Fri, 19:26:55    Google:  barbapapa dessin animé porno  
  26 Apr, Wed, 12:59:55    Google:  
  Last 5000 Searchengine Queries  

Last 20 / 5000 Email ReferrersUnique Visitors
  05 Nov, Mon, 10:09:26  
  12 Oct, Mon, 14:31:58  
  14 Jan, Thu, 00:34:57  
  14 Jan, Thu, 00:50:13  
  20 Jul, Wed, 13:32:11  
  04 Jan, Wed, 23:36:18  
  05 Jan, Thu, 02:05:00  
  19 Jan, Thu, 04:27:23  
  15 Mar, Thu, 01:28:01  
  15 Mar, Thu, 06:48:50  
  15 Mar, Thu, 08:17:03  
  19 Mar, Mon, 16:00:45  
  21 Jul, Sat, 09:51:29  
  Last 5000 Email Referrers  

Last 20 / 5000 Usenet / Newsgroup ReferrersUnique Visitors
  Last 5000 Usenet / Newsgroup Referrers  

Last 20 / 5000 Hard Drive ReferrersUnique Visitors
  23 Dec, Mon, 13:15:50    file:///  
  01 Apr, Tue, 02:51:23    file:///  
  01 Apr, Tue, 20:21:47    file:///  
  Last 5000 Hard Drive Referrers  

Summary | Unique | Reloads | Geo | System | Referrer 1 | Referrer 2

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