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URL: | http://www.dd3kf.de |
Counting since: | 30 November 2008 / 19:08 |
Current report: | 12 Dec 2024 / 22:57 |
Summary | Totals and Averages |
Unique Visitors | Day | Week | Month | Hours of the Day | Days of the Week |
Incl, Excl, Reloads | Day | Week | Month |
Geo Tracking | Country | Continent |
On the Map | Last 20 / 1000 | Worldwide | StreetLevel Zoom | Filters |
System Tracking | Browsers | Operating Systems | Screen Resolutions | Screen Colors |
> Referrer Tracking 1 | Last 20: Unsorted | Email | Searchengines | Queries | Usenet | Harddisk |
Referrer Tracking 2 | Totals: Sources | Searchengines | All Keywords | All Website Referrers |
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Last 20 / 5000 Referrers | Unique Visitors |
03 Jul, Wed, 14:02:13 | http://baidu.com/ |
03 Jul, Wed, 14:02:31 | http://baidu.com/ |
10 Jul, Wed, 19:55:38 | http://baidu.com/ |
10 Jul, Wed, 19:55:51 | http://baidu.com/ |
15 Jul, Mon, 14:15:47 | http://baidu.com/ |
21 Jul, Sun, 04:14:44 | http://baidu.com/ |
21 Jul, Sun, 04:14:59 | http://baidu.com/ |
23 Jul, Tue, 10:28:54 | http://baidu.com/ |
23 Jul, Tue, 10:29:08 | http://baidu.com/ |
25 Jul, Thu, 15:56:22 | http://baidu.com/ |
28 Jul, Sun, 16:51:08 | http://baidu.com/ |
28 Jul, Sun, 16:51:16 | http://baidu.com/ |
08 Aug, Thu, 16:40:04 | http://egoen.00space.com/azithromycin/tracy-azithromycin.html |
17 Aug, Sat, 06:17:24 | http://baidu.com/ |
02 Sep, Mon, 12:17:08 | http://baidu.com/ |
02 Sep, Mon, 12:17:16 | http://baidu.com/ |
06 Sep, Fri, 09:46:45 | http://www.tv-dx.de/ |
12 Sep, Thu, 16:04:20 | http://baidu.com/ |
22 Sep, Sun, 05:15:41 | http://baidu.com/ |
17 Nov, Sun, 12:30:03 | http://baidu.com/ |
Last 5000 Referrers |
Last 20 / 5000 Searchengine Referrers | Unique Visitors |
12 May, Thu, 18:36:02 | https://www.google.gr/ |
22 May, Sun, 16:51:01 | http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9mSs2RT1UFX_ZsA00gzCQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTBydHRqMjgyBGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwM1BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1463961043/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.dd3kf.de%2f/RK=0/RS=RKMsd2L2V32A6C4KeNGWaq2UjAI- |
22 May, Sun, 21:39:31 | http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9mSs3OTGEJXFLQAGHMzCQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTBydHRqMjgyBGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwM1BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1463978260/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.dd3kf.de%2f/RK=0/RS=5tOtF9FXfwsuZHh5LF9xPI0AuOk- |
07 Jun, Tue, 12:59:07 | https://duckduckgo.com |
07 Jun, Tue, 14:20:11 | http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9mSs2LnyVZXlQYAARAzCQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMnE1MzMwBGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1465334375/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.dd3kf.de%2f/RK=0/RS=MJ3cpzH9dyAkb.5d3Ht8me9xvlw- |
01 Jul, Fri, 12:45:26 | https://www.google.de/ |
03 Jul, Sun, 09:06:37 | https://www.google.de/ |
13 Jul, Wed, 08:25:52 | http://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDQQFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdd3kf.de%2F&ei=0eyFV8P5JPfEtALpOw&usg=AFQjCNGUDK4a3RDiaeTmYs_PxCqK3AVlig |
14 Jul, Thu, 14:14:32 | https://www.bing.com/ |
15 Jul, Fri, 19:53:34 | https://www.bing.com/ |
19 Jul, Tue, 14:55:04 | https://duckduckgo.com |
31 Jul, Sun, 11:46:55 | http://yandex.ru/clck/jsredir?from=yandex.ru%3Bsearch%3Bweb%3B%3B&text=&etext=1133.yJWydmakaCvrwKC8ebVknD4Tx5v_IJnA8uoFMaDGi3c7fTT-6SEJUbpRYkQ1KUi1.160dd690ceaf1db9ea04ac43f16221990e46dcd6&uuid=&state=_BLhILn4SxNIvvL0W45KSic66uCIg23qh8iRG98qeIXmeppkgUc0YCYBcIrWNUha-mUlBiA3OhY&data=UlNrNmk5WktYejR0eWJFYk1LdmtxajJiNjFUdUhDdU5ma2NBb1U4emJONDN1eU5tMjNEazJpSVRfR0tKaGxZaEExb2xKRmtqOUk2cFhGYUtRUGx2Tkc5blRoV3RFS2lrQ2p5TDFEek9tMlk&b64e=2&sign=3c0306d433b603726fd415b24ebeaebc&keyno=0&cst=AiuY0DBWFJ7IXge4WdYJQe3IrxbPWIv4Bmg3fJTUSuVblevOQrM-EI7Ax7zaTVweRyMrPiovQbOmdsKPDnRZBXTsgGBdWmfqULIcDTA6RxTanVc5kogHWPdX-nVSOo9GLGmCmpEdRAOa5lcbCce_oKXI_3Y_Er5W&ref=orjY4mGPRjk5boDnW0uvlrrd71vZw9kp5uQozpMtKCVLVIUOk4qiEEoph6kNGcDCnhoHMk2EeuQx78wyDwsLL3cjxreKv1bU-jvoHlbtsuDc1VquJZVv2evoA9fLV70-&l10n=ru&cts=1469961581070&mc=5.60461762306 |
02 Aug, Tue, 15:55:46 | https://www.google.de |
05 Aug, Fri, 19:31:11 | https://www.google.de |
17 Aug, Wed, 23:07:43 | https://www.google.es/ |
29 Aug, Mon, 11:24:56 | https://www.google.de/ |
14 Sep, Wed, 14:23:48 | http://www.bing.com/search?q=QSL+Gallery&pc=cosp&ptag=C1AB4B7B6AFB4&conlogo=CT3210127&first=71&FORM=PORE |
05 Dec, Mon, 04:07:55 | http://www.bing.com/search?FORM=INCOH2&PC=IC03&PTAG=ICO-ca0947e1&q=ON6DP |
20 Jan, Fri, 09:44:05 | http://www.bing.com/search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.qsl.net%2Fvia3iul&src=IE-SearchBox&FORM=IESR02&pc=EUPP_ |
16 Oct, Mon, 19:36:47 | http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dd3kf.de&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGRMMKgzSjsNhugGOKi4rHeVV2EdA |
Last 5000 Searchengine Referrers |
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Last 20 / 5000 Searchengine Queries | Unique Visitors |
12 May, Thu, 18:36:02 | Google: - |
22 May, Sun, 16:51:01 | Yahoo: 2f |
22 May, Sun, 21:39:31 | Yahoo: 2f |
07 Jun, Tue, 12:59:07 | DuckDuckGo: - |
07 Jun, Tue, 14:20:11 | Yahoo: 2f |
01 Jul, Fri, 12:45:26 | Google: - |
03 Jul, Sun, 09:06:37 | Google: - |
13 Jul, Wed, 08:25:52 | Google: - |
14 Jul, Thu, 14:14:32 | Bing.com: - |
15 Jul, Fri, 19:53:34 | Bing.com: - |
19 Jul, Tue, 14:55:04 | DuckDuckGo: - |
31 Jul, Sun, 11:46:55 | Yandex.ru: 3B |
02 Aug, Tue, 15:55:46 | Google: - |
05 Aug, Fri, 19:31:11 | Google: - |
17 Aug, Wed, 23:07:43 | Google: - |
29 Aug, Mon, 11:24:56 | Google: - |
14 Sep, Wed, 14:23:48 | Bing.com: QSL Gallery |
05 Dec, Mon, 04:07:55 | Bing.com: ON6DP |
20 Jan, Fri, 09:44:05 | Bing.com: http://www.qsl.net/via3iul |
16 Oct, Mon, 19:36:47 | Google: http://www.dd3kf.de |
Last 5000 Searchengine Queries |
Summary |
Unique |
Reloads |
Geo |
System |
Referrer 1 |
Referrer 2
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