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Counting since: | 3 December 2008 / 15:26 |
Current report: | 7 Dec 2024 / 00:31 |
Summary | Totals and Averages |
Unique Visitors | Day | Week | Month | Hours of the Day | Days of the Week |
Incl, Excl, Reloads | Day | Week | Month |
Geo Tracking | Country | Continent |
On the Map | Last 20 / 1000 | Worldwide | StreetLevel Zoom | Filters |
System Tracking | Browsers | Operating Systems | Screen Resolutions | Screen Colors |
> Referrer Tracking 1 | Last 20: Unsorted | Email | Searchengines | Queries | Usenet | Harddisk |
Referrer Tracking 2 | Totals: Sources | Searchengines | All Keywords | All Website Referrers |
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Last 20 / 5000 Referrers | Unique Visitors |
24 Sep, Sat, 23:17:41 | http://baidu.com/ |
24 Sep, Sat, 23:18:38 | http://baidu.com/ |
24 Oct, Mon, 15:56:01 | http://baidu.com/ |
30 Oct, Sun, 19:12:41 | http://baidu.com/ |
03 Dec, Sat, 20:31:48 | https://www.facebook.com/ |
16 Dec, Fri, 18:05:44 | http://baidu.com/ |
03 Mar, Fri, 23:50:18 | https://www.facebook.com/ |
23 Mar, Thu, 19:38:02 | http://baidu.com/ |
03 Jun, Sat, 21:23:41 | https://www.facebook.com/ |
03 Sep, Sun, 19:47:08 | https://www.facebook.com/ |
16 Oct, Mon, 14:34:04 | http://baidu.com/ |
02 Apr, Tue, 12:22:31 | http://baidu.com/ |
09 Sep, Mon, 07:48:03 | http://baidu.com/ |
09 Sep, Mon, 07:48:17 | http://baidu.com/ |
06 Oct, Sun, 03:36:37 | https://m.baidu.com/from=1001703a/bd_page_type=1/ssid=0/uid=0/pu=usm%401%2Csz%401320_1001%2Cta%40iphone_2_10.0_18_40.8/baiduid=FD4A77C733A98DF5305D01004CA9403B/w=0_10_/t=iphone/l=1/tc?clk_type=1&vit=osres&l=1&baiduid=FD4A77C733A98DF5305D01004CA9403B&t=iphone&ref=www_iphone&from=1001703a&ssid=0&lid=11047169247416888386&bd_page_type=1&pu=usm%401%2Csz%401320_1001%2Cta%40iphone_2_10.0_18_40.8&order=5&fm=alop&isAtom=1&waplogo=1&clk_info=%7B%22tplname%22%3A%22www_index%22%2C%22srcid%22%3A1599%2C%22jumpType%22%3A%22%22%2C%22urlsign%22%3A%2211967918323229660363%22%2C%22t%22%3A1728200193509%2C%22xpath%22%3A%22div-article(sc_ala)-section-div-div(title)-div-div-p-span-span-span-em%22%7D&dict=-1&otn=1&is_baidu=0&tj=www_index_5_0_10_title&m=8&cltj=normal_title&asres=1&phoneos=bd_search_iphone&title=ambcr.net&wd=&eqid=994f6de66de72c421000000367023df3&w_qd=IlPT2AEptyoA_yi9IUGenBnjOlgitX6Toyh6sviraf-WG4VvhPXr&bdver=2_1&tcplug=1&sec=42055&di=72c48a1bf8289b72&bdenc=1&nsrc=ORaYv%2BLNXpEUSqFoCeG3icEWx%2B4NXJAlc96ZnbYpieoEFgpU4KWjJtrHxu9fv3sZ&ck0=458&ck1=65&ck2=25&ck3=479&ck6=6&ck7=325&ala_anti=ck0%40458%2Cck1%4065%2Cck7%40325 |
06 Oct, Sun, 03:36:52 | http://baidu.com/ |
06 Oct, Sun, 03:37:00 | http://baidu.com/ |
06 Oct, Sun, 03:37:01 | http://baidu.com/ |
30 Oct, Wed, 05:42:00 | http://baidu.com/ |
30 Oct, Wed, 05:42:10 | http://baidu.com/ |
Last 5000 Referrers |
Last 20 / 5000 Searchengine Referrers | Unique Visitors |
23 Oct, Fri, 14:33:48 | https://www.google.ca/ |
26 Oct, Mon, 11:41:15 | https://www.google.ca/ |
26 Oct, Mon, 12:52:48 | https://www.google.com/ |
27 Oct, Tue, 15:03:04 | http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB4QFjAAahUKEwj754_Qq-PIAhXFKh4KHT6sCzI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ambcr.net%2F&usg=AFQjCNG5fYSKZXarnSmE63L9xdhKlZT4Rg&bvm=bv.105841590,d.dmo |
27 Oct, Tue, 22:22:55 | http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB4QFjAAahUKEwi6npr5jeTIAhVCHD4KHbw8BIw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ambcr.net%2F&usg=AFQjCNG5fYSKZXarnSmE63L9xdhKlZT4Rg&sig2=WL2WYOQDGFlSslNjszdh2g&bvm=bv.105841590,d.cWw |
02 Nov, Mon, 16:52:55 | http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBwQFjAAahUKEwis5sDX3PLIAhUCqx4KHZ3iAc0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ambcr.net%2F&usg=AFQjCNG5fYSKZXarnSmE63L9xdhKlZT4Rg&bvm=bv.106379543,d.dmo |
08 Nov, Sun, 20:36:58 | http://www.google.com/search |
09 Nov, Mon, 17:04:11 | https://www.google.ca/ |
08 Dec, Tue, 20:46:04 | http://www.google.com/search |
10 Jan, Sun, 11:18:09 | http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwjZxIbT0p_KAhVI8z4KHb7BCCUQFggdMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ambcr.net%2F&usg=AFQjCNG5fYSKZXarnSmE63L9xdhKlZT4Rg&bvm=bv.111396085,d.dmo |
10 Jan, Sun, 16:42:24 | http://www.google.ca/url?url=http://www.ambcr.net/&rct=j&frm=1&q=&esrc=s&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwj3r6-Pm6DKAhXJwj4KHaXgCM8QFggVMAA&usg=AFQjCNHRs3epyTIgyolJ8CK1mwAZXm0Ygw |
13 Jan, Wed, 16:15:16 | https://search.yahoo.com |
27 Jan, Wed, 11:07:06 | http://www.google.com/search |
12 Apr, Tue, 14:57:46 | http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwiM9Orf44nMAhXKeT4KHcm1DK0QFggdMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ambcr.net%2F&usg=AFQjCNG5fYSKZXarnSmE63L9xdhKlZT4Rg&bvm=bv.119028448,d.cWw |
20 Apr, Wed, 18:51:13 | https://www.google.ca/ |
24 Apr, Sun, 11:53:23 | https://www.google.cz |
02 May, Mon, 09:47:54 | https://www.google.ca |
25 May, Wed, 07:18:03 | https://www.google.com/ |
31 Jul, Sun, 14:29:46 | https://www.google.ca |
31 Jul, Sun, 15:09:49 | https://www.google.ca |
Last 5000 Searchengine Referrers |
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Last 20 / 5000 Searchengine Queries | Unique Visitors |
23 Oct, Fri, 14:33:48 | Google: - |
26 Oct, Mon, 11:41:15 | Google: - |
26 Oct, Mon, 12:52:48 | Google: - |
27 Oct, Tue, 15:03:04 | Google: - |
27 Oct, Tue, 22:22:55 | Google: - |
02 Nov, Mon, 16:52:55 | Google: - |
08 Nov, Sun, 20:36:58 | Google: - |
09 Nov, Mon, 17:04:11 | Google: - |
08 Dec, Tue, 20:46:04 | Google: - |
10 Jan, Sun, 11:18:09 | Google: - |
10 Jan, Sun, 16:42:24 | Google: - |
13 Jan, Wed, 16:15:16 | Yahoo: - |
27 Jan, Wed, 11:07:06 | Google: - |
12 Apr, Tue, 14:57:46 | Google: - |
20 Apr, Wed, 18:51:13 | Google: - |
24 Apr, Sun, 11:53:23 | Google: - |
02 May, Mon, 09:47:54 | Google: - |
25 May, Wed, 07:18:03 | Google: - |
31 Jul, Sun, 14:29:46 | Google: - |
31 Jul, Sun, 15:09:49 | Google: - |
Last 5000 Searchengine Queries |
Summary |
Unique |
Reloads |
Geo |
System |
Referrer 1 |
Referrer 2
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