Last 20 Hard Drive Referrers | Unique Visitors |
06 Mar, Thu, 23:56:23 | file:///C|/Documents and Settings/JC/Mes documents/Mes sites web/Planet typography/www/news/typo/fra... |
16 Mar, Sun, 05:36:00 | file:///Macintosh%20HD_1/Users/kimberlykennedykennedy/Desktop/typography%20101%20web%20site/typograp... |
17 Mar, Mon, 11:19:24 | file:///Macintosh%20HD_1/Users/kimberlykennedykennedy/Desktop/typography%20101%20web%20site/typograp... |
26 Mar, Wed, 23:04:54 | file:///C|/Documents and Settings/JC/Mes documents/Mes sites web/Planet typography/www/news/typo/fra... |
27 Mar, Thu, 23:40:59 | file:///C|/Documents and Settings/JC/Mes documents/Mes sites web/Plančte typographie/abc/about.html |
04 Apr, Fri, 22:56:15 | file:///C|/Documents and Settings/JC/Mes documents/Mes sites web/Planet typography/www/index.html |
01 May, Thu, 21:53:04 | file:///Macintosh%20HD/Cleanup%20At%20Startup/ImageReady/TargetPreview23/Aguenegou,MProj4.html |
01 May, Thu, 22:10:07 | file:///Macintosh%20HD/Cleanup%20At%20Startup/ImageReady/TargetPreview32/Aguenegou,MProj4.html |
02 May, Fri, 03:56:13 | file:///Aguenegou1206/Aguenegou,M_FinalProj.html |
02 May, Fri, 19:27:30 | file:///Teacher%20Station%20213/Cleanup%20At%20Startup/ImageReady/TargetPreview7/Aguenegou, |
25 May, Sun, 17:13:38 | file:///C|/Documents and Settings/JC/Mes documents/Mes sites web/Planet typography/www/index.html |
31 May, Sat, 17:26:01 | file:///C|/Documents and Settings/JC/Mes documents/Mes sites web/Planet typography/www/index.html |
04 Jul, Fri, 23:41:41 | file:///F|/Mes sites web/Planet typography/www/index.html |
08 Jul, Tue, 22:10:51 | file:///F|/Mes sites web/Planet typography/www/news/designer/celso.html |
20 Jul, Sun, 01:34:24 | file:///F|/Mes sites web/Planet typography/www/news/typo/identifont.html |
30 Jul, Wed, 01:10:23 | file:///F|/Mes sites web/Planet typography/www/newsletter.html |
28 Sep, Sun, 11:52:34 | file:///F|/Mes sites web/Planet typography/www/news/typo/devroye.html |
02 May, Sun, 12:02:54 | file:///F|/Mes sites web/Planet typography/www/index.html |
03 May, Mon, 13:41:47 | file:///D|/Wings/Wings 1/Mes sites web/Planet typography/www/index.html |
03 Feb, Thu, 01:49:34 | file://localhost/Users/jenniferspoon/Documents/Beirut/kobayashi.html |