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Stu Weaver's Dean Koontz Page Edit
 URL:    http://koontz.iwarp.com  
 Counting since:    19 September 1999  /  23:17
 Current report:    20 September 2024  /  17:18
 Summary    : Totals and Averages  
 Unique Visitors    : Day | Week | Month | Hours of the Day | Days of the Week  
 Incl, Excl, Reloads    : Day | Week | Month  
 Geo Tracking    : Domain | Country | Continent  
 System Tracking    : Browsers | Operating Systems | Screen Resolutions | Screen Colors  
 Referrer Tracking 1    : Last 20: Unsorted | Email | Searchengines | Queries | Usenet | Harddisk  
 Referrer Tracking 2    : Totals: Sources | Searchengines | All Keywords | All Website Referrers  

Edit The option to edit this tracking file is ONLY AVAILABLE to the owner
of this account. To change anything your password is required.
  Current Password:     
  Change Your Name to:         
  Change Your Email Address to:         
  Change Company Name to:         
  Change Site Name to:         
  Change Site URL to:         
  Change Site Character to:         
  Change Time Zone to:         
  Change Category to:         
  Change Password to:         
  Exclude IP address:     
You can exclude up to 5 IP addresses
    by filling in the numeric address,

    For excluding a group (family), do not
    use wildcards like * or ? but instead
    leave that part empty.

Restart Tracker

If you like to restart your tracker from scratch again you can do so by pushing the button below.
Attention, all data currently reported by your tracker will then be deleted permanently. In order to keep that information as a history file save your current reports to your harddisk first!

Delete Tracker Account

If you like to delete your tracker account completely you can do so by pushing the button below.
Attention, all data currently reported by your tracker will then be deleted permanently. In order to keep that information as a history file save your current reports to your harddisk first!


Summary | Unique | Reloads | Geo | System | Referrer 1 | Referrer 2

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